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Secured Over 1 Crore+ Smiles!

Trust redefines relations at HDFC ERGO. We consistently strive to make insurance easier, more affordable and more dependable. Here promises are kept, claims are fulfilled and lives are nurtured with utmost commitment.

All Support you needed 24x7

We understand that in time of distress, instant help is the need of the hour. Our In-house claims team provides round the clock support to ensure hassle-free claim experience. We ensure to be your constant support system in times of need.

Catering Customer Needs

Transparency at its Best

Since, Last 16 Yrs we have been catering to endless customer requirements endlessly. By providing wide range of plans of every portfolio.

Hdfc Ergo General Insurance claims are settled with utmost transparency and ease.



Vehicle insurance is mandatory in India. It is a basic requirement to be followed by all the owners of vehicles. It provides protection against any loss or damage caused to the vehicle in case of an accident or theft. There are multiple reasons why vehicle insurance is mandatory in India. One of them includes that it helps to reduce road accidents and fatalities. Insurance companies provide various types of insurance policies for vehicles, which are dependent on the type of risk involved and the value of the car. The most common types include third-party liability, comprehensive coverage, theft coverage, and collision coverage.


While riding a two wheeler, you must be cautious, and for overall safety, you must have a two wheeler insurance or bike insurance policy. With the arrival of monsoon, the chances of accidents increase along with damage to two wheeler due to floods. Therefore, buy or renew bike insurance policy if it’s nearing expiry. Two wheeler insurance policy protects your vehicle from losses due to unwanted events, which include fire, theft, burglary, earthquake or accident involving a third party vehicle, person, or property. Damages due to these unforeseen scenarios can cause huge damage to your two wheeler, leading to expenses that can drain your hard-earned income. Hence, it is advisable to have a bike insurance policy. While renewing bike insurance online from HDFC ERGO, you can customize the policy by adding unique


add-ons like emergency roadside assistance and zero depreciation. This will enhance your comprehensive bike insurance policy as you can avail numerous benefits from these add-on cover.


HEALTH INSURANCE (Personal / Family & Group)


A health insurance policy is an essential requirement in today's fast-paced lifestyle. Protecting yourself and your loved ones from any eventuality that could leave you financially handicapped is a must. For instance, the HDFC ERGO my:health Suraksha and my:health Medisure Super Top Up offer comprehensive coverage and various benefits that can ensure your financial security. This is because these products cover day-care procedures, treatment at a wide network of hospitals, pre and post hospitalisation costs and even insure your mental illness treatment, among other things. With inclusions like these, you would not have to worry about a medical condition putting a strain on your finances. So, do your due research and choose a health insurance plan that suits your needs.


Corporate health insurance has some advantages like zero waiting periods, reduced premium cost, no pre-medical screening, but the amount offered is not sufficient to meet the entire cost of hospitalization in India.


CORPORATE INSURANCE (Health / Office/ Assest)


Corporate insurance is a type of insurance cover usually used by large organisations to protect their business against operational risks such as theft, financial losses, employees' health and accidents. It is comprehensive business insurance that benefits the past or present employees as well as the company itself.


In simple terms, it is a kind of group health insurance plan undertaken by the company and the employer that protects them as well as their employees. Hospitalization, critical illness coverage, maternity coverage, and other benefits are included in corporate health insurance plans.




  • Corporate health insurance is purchased by companies & organisation to provide medical coverage to their employees.

  • A corporate health insurance policy provides coverage to employees from the day they join until the day they resign.

  • The employer pays the premium amount of the corporate health insurance plan on the employee’s behalf.

  • A corporate insurance policy benefits both employer and employee in different ways.




  • Retain & Attract Employees:Providing corporate health insurance is one of the attractive perks of an organization, it helps in retaining old employees and attracting new ones.

  • Generates Goodwill: Corporate health insurance for employees helps in generating goodwill among the office staff.

  • Cost-Effective:nsurance companies cover a huge number of people under one insurance policy, it becomes cost-effective for the employer to purchase the policy.

  • Corporate Buffer:If the existing sum insured exhausts, the employer can opt for a corporate buffer but only in life-threatening and critical illness situations.




Travel insurance secures you from financial risks related to your journey, like medical emergencies, loss of check-in baggage, flight delays, while travelling overseas for work or leisure. A medical or dental emergency in a faraway land can not only derail your travel plans, but it can also cost you dearly. Remember, medical expenses in a foreign land can be high-priced. However, international travel insurance can save you from such expenses. It provides reimbursement for essentials in case of delay or loss of check-in baggage having essential documents like passports, visas, identity proof, etc. It also provides assistance in case of theft, burglary, accident assistance and medical evacuation in times of crisis.




Cyber insurance policy provides a safety shield for businesses and individuals against malware and ransomware cyber-attacks. Financial losses that might occur due to fraudulent activities related to information technology infrastructure and activities are also covered by it. The national cyber agency CERT-In has issued severity warnings for Google Chrome and multiple vulnerabilities in Apple iOS, iPadOS and Apple Safari versions.


As dependency on the digital world has increased, cyber crimes have also considerably increased in the country. From business transactions to matchmaking, almost everything now can be done virtually. While digital dependence has become a norm, be careful about sharing personal information in apps and websites. Apart from maintaining basic preventions like not sharing our passwords and logging out from our personal accounts when using a public system, it is important that we protect ourselves with the best cyber insurance policy. HDFC ERGO offers a wide range of cyber insurance plans for students, entrepreneurs, working professionals, etc. It has also developed a fully customisable Cyber Sachet Insurance Plan to protect all types of people in the digital world.

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